Thursday, September 17, 2009

The LAST Black U.S. President?

Democrats, via their allies in the State Owned UN-Mainstream Media, are showing signs of desperation at their precipitous drop in the polls since the '08 election and they are now fighting back in the only way they know how. Faced with growing resistance to their radical push to reshape America in their own twisted image, and unable to defend their ideas in open and honest political debate, the Democratic Party is once again falling back on their once reliable tactic of smearing anyone who disagrees with them as [insert slander here; i.e. racist, homophobe, greedy, heartless, et al.]. The current slander de jour is racism, because, obviously, no one in the United States could possibly be opposed to President Obama and his policies for any other reason that racial bigotry, right?

While the race card has worked often for them in the past, due to their crumbling credibility and the increasingly dwindling reach of their liberal media propagandists allies in today’s “MSM", people appear to have finally had enough of this sort of indefensible demagoguery and they are not buying this time around; as the tactic does not seem to be gaining the type of political traction that it has in the past.

While the Democrats and their cronies continue to obliviously try to steamroll their radical agenda against the wishes the a large and vocal segment of the American population, it occurs to me that these would be fascists have missed a very important and obvious part of American culture, and that in doing so it may come back to bite them in the arse (not to mention harmed the political future of "minority" candidates of all stripes in the future).

U.S. citizens of all political ideologies have at least one thing in common; we like to complain about our elected political officials (often with good reason). In casting all criticism of President Obama as racist, I believe that the Democrats, in order for a short term victory, are setting up future minority candidates for a major backlash. How willing will the electorate be to vote for a black or other "minority" candidate in the future if they think that they will then be hemmed in from voicing any criticisms of those candidates’ actions once they are ensconced in office for fear of being painted with the label of "racist" for doing so? No one wants to be labeled a racist, and everyone wants to be able to voice their opinions and concerns...

You do the math; this can only hurt future minority candidates, and this frivolous and unethical misuse of the race card must be stopped immediately, and those who are willing to use it should be driven from office and made to pay a political cost for attempting to divide the American people to serve their own selfish political ends.

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